Laura Griffin on her new book Beyond Limits, research, and Navy SEALs

An FBI agent and a Navy SEAL race against time in New York Times bestselling author Laura Griffin’s newest Tracers novel.

Beyond Limits book coverLaura Griffin’s latest book, BEYOND LIMITS is out today! To celebrate, she agreed to hang out at Kiss and Thrill and answer a few questions about the new book and her writing process. She’s also giving away a signed copy of SCORCHED—the RITA Award winning book where Derek and Elizabeth first meet—to a lucky commenter.

I’m already counting the hours until I can pull out my iPad at the gym and start reading…

GH: Happy release day! Thanks for joining us on K&T. We appreciate the chance to get into your head a bit. 😉 Your early books were focused on characters working in or around law enforcement. The new books still have that element, but you’ve added Navy SEALs to the mix. What is it about these guys that drew your interest?

LG: Thanks for inviting me, Gwen! My first SEAL character appeared in the novella UNSTOPPABLE, and they keep finding their way back into my stories. What I love about these guys is that they tackle any challenge and they never give up. This tenacity makes them so interesting to write, especially when that never-quit attitude spills over into their personal lives.

GH: Did you discover anything fun, interesting, or surprising in your research for this book?

Laura Griffin headshotLG: In the story Navy SEAL Derek Vaughn is on a rescue mission overseas when he discovers clues of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. While researching the book I learned about the many ways our country is vulnerable. On the other hand, some of the new tools law enforcement has now are truly amazing. For example, the facial recognition techniques they use now are so sophisticated that it boggles the mind.

GH: When you get a new idea for a book, which usually comes to you first, the premise, a compelling scene, or a character? Do you know what sparked your idea for BEYOND LIMITS?

LG: I used to be a newspaper reporter, and often news headlines will spark the idea for a story. With BEYOND LIMITS I wanted to write about what a SEAL would do if he had inside knowledge of a pending attack on U.S. soil. Would he feel compelled to act or would he be able to leave it up to other people to handle? Derek Vaughn makes it his mission to help, even if it means he has to manipulate a woman he cares about to get inside info about the investigation.

GH: Are there any themes you feel like you keep returning to in your writing? Any idea why?

LG: Many of my stories feature women who are survivors of something. I like writing about people who look deep into themselves to find the strength to keep going even when disaster strikes. I’ve been blessed with some strong female role models, and I think about them a lot when I’m creating a story.

GH: What’s next on your plate?

LG: I’m having fun writing a new book in the Tracers series. It’s called SHADOW FALL, and it features some of my favorite Tracers characters: Mark Wolfe, Mia Voss, Kelsey Quinn. The hero of the story is Mark’s brother, Liam Wolfe, who runs a private security firm and finds himself at the center of an FBI murder investigation. SHADOW FALL should be out later this year, and I’ll keep you posted with details!

GH: I can’t wait! For readers who are new to the series, do the Tracers books need to be read in order?

LG: People ask me that a lot. Each story has a stand-alone suspense plot and each focuses on a different romantic couple. So you can pick up the series anywhere!

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Laura Griffin started her career in journalism before venturing into the world of romantic suspense. She is a two-time RITA Award winner as well as the recipient of the Daphne du Maurier Award. Laura currently lives in Austin, where she is working on her next book. Visit her at or on

Don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of SCORCHED.

About Gwen Hernandez

Author of SCRIVENER FOR DUMMIES & the Men of Steele romantic suspense series. Manufacturing engineer turned writer. I read, write, run/bike/hike, explore, eat plants.

Posted on January 27, 2015, in Gwen Hernandez and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. Welcome Laura! Your latest sounds awesome.

  2. Thank you, Lena! I had fun writing this story.

  3. Welcome back, Laura. Congrats on your newest release and thanks for celebrating it with K&T!
    What a great twist: bringing SEALs into the mix in this series.

    And now I’ll pepper you with questions: 😉
    When you say “law enforcement” and facial recognition software, is that still in government agencies or do police/sheriff offices have access to that program?

    When you say you learned how vulnerable we still are, can you give us examples? I immediately think ‘cyber.’ But our ship channels and the Canadian border seem to need more structure and protocol too.

    When is the next installment of your collaboration with Allison Brennan?

  4. Hi Sarah, Thanks for the good questions! For this story I specifically looked at facial recognition software as it is being used at places like airports and border checkpoints. It’s really amazing how the technology has developed, even to get around plastic surgery, etc. As for vulnerabilities, there are really so many. I researched a particular one (used in the story, so I don’t want to spoil it!) but really there are so many that could be exploited. One of the themes in the story is the balance between protecting potential soft targets and not wanting to make America into a police state.
    As for the Moreno & Hart series… Allison Brennan and I are planning our next book now! We love the series and have plans for a release later this year. Details to come soon, I hope 🙂

    I hope you’ll like BEYOND LIMITS!

    • Looking forward to reading your new book, Laura. That theme of balancing national security and privacy is so relevant. Just today there was a front page WSJ report on law enforcement’s expanding use of DEA’s license-plate reader database to track movement of people traveling on major highways throughout the country. And a great opinion piece on Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle.

    • Yay on more Moreno and Hart! 🙂

  5. I loved reading this book, Laura! Thank you so much for sharing your debut here with us at Kiss and Thrill. I can’t wait for it to become a movie — along with the rest of your books!

  6. Hi Diana, Thank you! So glad you liked it!

  7. mandacollinsauthor

    First off, congratulations, Laura! I loved Beyond Limits and think it’s your best work yet. I especially loved how Elizabeth was vulnerable but still tough and good at her job.

    Now….SQUEEEEE over Mark Wolfe’s brother Liam! Mark is one of my faves of your heroes (next to Nathan Devereaux) so I’m psyched to hear he’s got a hero brother:)

    Hope BL sells like hotcakes! Congrats again!

    • Thank you, Manda! I’m so glad to hear you liked Derek & Liz’s book. I’m excited to get back to the Wolfe brothers in the next book. Mark is one of my favorite Tracers characters, so it’s fun to see him again.

  8. *waves* – am about 100 pages into Beyond Limits and just loving it. Glad to hear there will be more Moreno & Hart and here’s hoping we get to find out what the RJ stands for in RJ Flynn! Lol! 😀

  9. Hi Willa, So glad you’re liking BEYOND LIMITS! 🙂

  10. The Tracers series are my ALL time favorite books. I say it any chance I can get to let Ms. Laura Griffin know she’s my favorite author. I’ve read all her books…not just the Tracer series. I just love her characters!!!!!

    • Thank you so much, Katie! I love writing the Tracers series and have plans for more stories!

    • I’m the same way, Katie! Can’t get enough. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

      • I would love to know more about previous characters and their relationships as new books come out. Just snippets to let us know they live happily ever after together. :). I’m a sucker for these characters. I’ve read each Tracers book about 10 times each and won’t stop there. I pick them up all the time to re-read.

  11. Willa: You’re our winner! Don’t forget to contact us to claim your prize. 🙂

  12. Squeeeeeeeee! Thank you! Have contacted you with my details. Many thanks 😀

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